Curia – March 2024

Attendees: Margaret, Simon, Etienette, Sapphira, Sapphira, Isolde, Bergdis

New financial policy presented for review.
Nothing new from Seneschalate.
We are financing Lionhearts for the Barony (so they don’t need to charge a site fee).
Still need new seneschal by next September.
Check deposited.
Taught a class on armory at Colloquium.
Webster: Nothing to report.
Little bit of chatelaining at Colloquium.
Looking into getting cards with both PDL and Madrone on them.

Other Business:
Need an event this year. Take over fall Colloquium? Svenposium? ColloquiSven?

Curia – January 2024

Attendees: Margaret, Simon, Isolde, Sapphira, Heilyn, Bergdis

Seneschal: Still need new seneschal by September 2024.
We have new Royals and a new Kingdom Seneschal.
Exchequer: Report has been sent. Paypal income from KHSS has been received.
Herald: Assisted a Canton member with two submissions.
Webster: Nothing to report.
Chatelaine: Nothing to report.

Other Business:
Any ideas for an event this year? Maybe a fall colloquium.

Curia – October 2023

Attendees: Margaret, Simon, Heilyn, Etienette, Isolde, Gisella, Bergdis

Seneschal: Still need new seneschal by next September.
Shire of Fire Mountain Keep is now Canton of Crows Nest, part of Glymm Mere.
Exchequer: Pre-reg and CC matched at KHSS. Quarterly report is in.
Herald: Nothing to report.
Webster: Nothing to report.
Chatelaine: Nothing to report.

Other Business:
Next month’s meeting will be the 4th Tuesday; we are swapping weeks with Madrone to accomadate Their Excellencies’ schedule.
KHSS: 54 attendees, made a few hundred from it. Much socializing. Feedback was limited but positive. Consider recording classes if we do this again. Need to track down missing powerstrip.
KA&S&R: Still looking for a site. Ocean Shores conference center is not available on the first weekend of March (available 3/30). There may be a site in Spokane. Prices range from too much to wtf. Would really like to find a non-hotel site.

Curia – September 2023

Attendees: Margaret, Simon, Etienette, Isolde, Jennifer, Bergdis, Heilyn

Seneschal: KHSS is coming up in 2.5 weeks on 10/7.
Margaret has approval from Kingdom to continue for one more year; attendees approved the extension by unanimous vote.
Etienette has volunteered to step up as Canton chatelaine; her appointment was approved by unanimous vote.
Updating the financial policy: hasn’t been updated since 2020, and does not have any reference regarding credit card processing.
Exchequer: We are reviewing the financial policy. No checks cut. On board to use CC processing at KHSS. Check has been written for event site fee.
Herald: One PDL submission.
Webster: Paid namecheap renewal. Website needs updating.

Other Business:
Isolde hosted stamping, two people attended on different days. If anyone has an interest, ping her to work out a date for it.
KHSS: Calendar updated, FB event created. Need to share event on An Tir Herald page and add any class info. Etienette offered exchequer projector. Site is available 9-6.
Kingdom A&S 2024: Olympian Hotel in Olympia in the right price range, or Red Lion in Kelso. Reported that 5ish years ago that Red Lion was not a great place. Target date sometime between Feb. 24 and March 16.
Shameless plugs: Sunday 9/24 Wyewood A&S Day at the Renton library 1:30-5:30. Saturday 10/28 Madrone Autumn Colloquium and Harvest Revel at the church in Bellevue. Classes followed by meal.

Curia – August 2023

Attendees: Margaret, Simon, Gisela, Etienette, Bergdis, Isolde

No official business was conducted. The following items were discussed:
Newcomers’ event 8/12 was well-attended, with many new people. Teachers would like to have more time per class.
Stamping workshop at Isoldes 8/19 and 8/26 from noon until.
KHSS: Margaret will handle pre-reg; Etienette will run gate. Pre-reg open from 8/28 – 9/30.

Curia – July 2023

Attendees: Margaret, Simon, Heilyn, Bergdis, Ysolt, Etienette

Seneschal: We have new Crowns! Have officer positions that could use filling. It is good to have positions filled for meeting quorum; we really only have three filled offices right now, excluding Seneschal. Margaret’s warrant has been extended until 09/2024 but will not be extended further. All EIS for Canton events have been sent in. Two upcoming Madrone social events planned in PDL later this year.
Exchequer: Report is due. Waivers were sent and acknowledgement of such was received!
Herald: Did heraldry things at Athanaeum in PDL territory
Webster: Nothing to report

Other Business:
Stamping workshop at Isolde’s weekend of August 19-20 and maybe another day the following weekend.
KHSS: Need layout diagram of main hall for the site so they can set up properly.
Heilyn suggested Sven’s Gnome-World Heraldic Symposium as PDL’s event for next year.

Curia – June 2023

Attendees: Margaret, Simon, Gisela, Ysolt, Heilyn, Etienette, Bergdis, Jennifer, Kit

Seneschal: New Heirs, Morgan and Livia; Athenaeum this Saturday; Day of Archery went well; BoD has decided to drop the last of the pandemic restrictions, which is the Covid disclaimer on event copy and communications, effective immediately; term ends in October (end of third year), and will renew for a year if nobody else is interested
Exchequer: We have money
Arts & Sciences: Athenaeum this weekend; planning stamping/stenciling/open workshop at Tayla’s August 19 or 26; looking to step down; we are not extending the office
Herald: Need to work on badge for battle croquet champion
Webster: Nothing to report

Other Business:
KHSS: Contact Cormac soonish regarding schedules and getting things finalized. There will be no lunch provided. Etienette will run gate if there is no other volunteer or support whomever runs it. Coordinate with Gera regarding publicity for the event. Suggest intro to heraldry as we have a lot of newcomers.
12th Night: Will be in Bellevue, run by Blatha an Oir.

Curia – May 2023

Attendees: Margaret, Heilyn, Ysolt, Eden, Bergdis, Gera

Seneschal: May Crown is coming up
Exchequer: Will digitize and send waivers to the warrant deputy
Arts & Sciences: Will try to hold a stamping workshop in August

Other Business:
Discussion about the rapier community having a practice in PDL
-Madrone is welcome to use PDL lands if they sponsor/pay for the practice/activity
-If the rapier community wants to have a PDL sponsored practice/activity, someone would need to come to PDL curia and pitch the practice/activity.
There are concerns about PDL paying for activity space.

Curia – April 2023

Attendees: Margaret, Simon, Etienette, Gisela, Ysolt, Heilyn, Bergdis, Jennifer

Seneschal: Named insurance cost has gone up to $75 for non-equestrian events and $200 for equestrian (from $50 and $100)
Next three Porte Chalices are in hand (through 2026)
Isolde is officially taking over as List Mistress at May Crown. Volunteers to assist lists are needed.
Exchequer: Last year’s doomsday was lost; resent it. Send quarterly report. Checks are all deposited. Check cut for chalices. $0.44 in interest for the last quarter.
Arts & Sciences: Painted floor-cloth class in Tacoma this weekend. Planning open workshop in Woodinville in late August. Artisan registration for Athenaeum is open; just over 1/2 full at this point.
Webminister: nothing to report
Herald: nothing to report

Sven’s: Sven’s Follies took place March 25. There were 18 attendees. We received $78 in donations. Net loss of $187. There was croquet, dancing, socializing, and a short court at which Margaret was awarded the Porte Chalice.
KHSS: Cost for classrooms was apparently misquoted, but we will be given the cost we were told ($30 instead of $135). Kingdom event site needs updated. Culinary Guild may be able to provide food onsite (6+ weeks notice). Solicit comments when the FB event is created.

Curia – March 2023

Attendees: Margaret, Simon, Ysolt, Gisella, Etienette, Heilyn, Jennifer, Gera (8)

Seneschal: Picked up key-fob and dropped off check for Sven’s. Church has their spring cleanup that day but should not be an issue. July Coronation, Sept Crown, and 12th Night event bids are out. Madrone social last night was well-attended and PDL was well represented.
Exchequer: One check received, another should be coming soon. Reports do seem to be going through now. Had reminder to send NMS from Sven’s because?
Arts & Sciences: nothing to report
Webminister: nothing to report
Herald: nothing to report
Coronet: PDL may run martial championship at Lionheart’s if desired. Discussion about whether we should keep or retire the PDL Rapier Champion. Voted to retire for the time being.

Sven’s: This Saturday in Bellevue. At least one croquet set will be available. Sara de Bonneville will be there to lead dance. Isolde will bring paper plates and plastic utensils. Stand-in Chalice will be available. Donations will be collected. Etienette will bring gate sheets and waiver forms. Will start discussion on FB event regarding pot-luck.
Sven’s next year: decathalon